(973) 250-2924
57 East Hanover Ave. Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Monday - Friday After hours: Please call for Service
Saturday: Please call for Service
Current Location


Find Out What's Wrong with a Vehicle Diagnostic

Check Engine Light Diagnostic in Morris Plains, NJ

Modern vehicles can alert you when you're due for service or if your vehicle isn't performing to standard. In part, this is due to the On-Board Diagnostic System (OBD). Other times, you may notice a decrease in performance or cause for concern without a dashboard light triggering.

When the check engine light turns on or your vehicle isn't operating at its best, contact Mobile Wrench for a diagnostic. A vehicle diagnostic will provide the answers you need to make an informed decision. Diagnostics are also better than the alternative: worrying about what's wrong and envisioning all types of repairs and costs.

Your vehicle is a mix of mechanical and electrical systems working together, so the unexpected is bound to happen eventually (although preventive maintenance reduces the likelihood of issues). The first step to repairing your vehicle is learning what's wrong with a diagnostic.

At Mobile Wrench, we will perform a diagnostic, identify the cause of the issue, and discuss the repair options with you.

We serve Morris Plains, NJ, Hopatcong, NJ, Plainfield, NJ, and surrounding areas.

Contact Mobile Wrench

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Contact Us

Phone: (973) 250-2924
Address: 57 East Hanover Ave
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
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